My First Worldbuilding
Talnore originated my Junior year of high school because I got very into the worldbuilding and lore of The Lord of the Rings. It was a very rough idea that grew out of a number of discussions with friends about fantasy writing, out of my reading Joseph Campbell's "The Hero With a Thousand Faces", and out of a desire to find creative outlets.
I don't think it holds up very well today, I wanted to include everything I thought of, and it shows. The map doesn't show this, but I was convinced I could write a single story that meaningfully connected at least a dozen different cultures, types of magic, and which touched on at least as many genuinely important and worthwhile conflicts. In reality, I was (charitably) hoping to write a Dungeons and Dragons campaign, and more reasonably, I was a teenager who didn't have the first clue about "focus" and "clarity" in writing. Sometimes, less is more. Sometimes, less is less, and that's also a very good thing.