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Writer's pictureAndrew

8-25-23 Session Summary

To start off this week's session, the party picked out who would be going with them to Ciloria for the tournament. Eventually, the list ended up including High Cleric Silas (the priest of Lathander), Dr. Alfonse (Elvira's therapist), Viola and Lisa (the sword lesbians), Tommy Heals, Sister Superior Emmalina (Druid of Chauntea), Bargus Smargus (The blind pawn shop owner), Mick (The pyro with the Mickey Mouse voice), Lucifer's Parents, Inej (Mia's character), and some random guy. There were several others on the trip, namely three ETA terrorists, and eight monk orphans.

The party met up the next morning, got on the boat, and Salt established that he was going to be planning a martial arts routine and bringing purple robes for everyone. The party sailed for a day without issue before encountering a young sea dragon. Salt scared it off, and it threatened that it was going to go find its dad.

The party eventually arrived in Ciloria, speaking to the harbor master of Brangerd, a Cilorian port city. The Harbor Master got them lodging for the night, but was slightly confused that he wouldn't have heard of an important diplomatic delegation being on its way. The party explored the city, finding a cemetery with some orphans outside. The orphans tried to pickpocket everyone, failed, got scared by Elvira, and then got crushed in an arm wrestling gamble against Salt. Elvira then gave them 45 platinum, and the party moved to check out the cemetery. Inside, Lucifer asked the gravedigger if she could have some bones, and he sold her the whole skeleton for 20 GP before walking off. Lucifer took the hands and skull, Inej took a single vertebra, and Elvira took an arm bone.

Meanwhile, Laura befriended seventeen seagulls, seemingly because of a weird feud she's got going with Emmalina.

Back at their lodgings, Elvira slurped the marrow out of the bone and an iridescent corvid appeared, encouraging her to eat more bones. She named the familiar Marrow, which he was fine with.

The party set out for the capital, travelling overland without much issue for about a week before stopping to spend a night in an inn they came across. The inn was cozy, and the proprietor HOT. He got everyone rooms (even if they were cramped), including a private closet for the one guy that doesn't have a name yet. For dinner, really good beef stew was served. Marrow squawked to Elvira that there were bones nearby, then took her outside to find some human bones near the river behind the inn. Elvira went inside, ripped out a tooth to communicate with Salt, and then snuck into the kitchen to talk to the innkeeper's wife.

In the kitchen, Elvira straight up confronted this pale, hot, woman and accused her of cooking people. The wife was pissed and started attacking Elvira, who alerted Salt, who alerted everyone. The ensuing fight took like two and a half real world hours, and really goes to show that I don't know what the fuck I'm doing with this encounter building sometimes. After they killed the vampires, the party found their coffins and Laura ate the coffins. That was the end of the session.

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